Seminars and Courses

What When Who
Reduzir o insucesso escolar na formação básica em cursos de CTEM Day 16 José Carlos Lopes, DFis, UA
Tidal effect on scalar cloud Day 08 Taishi Ikeda, IST-Lisbon
Spontaneous Scalarization in general Scalar-Vector-Tensor theory Day 21 Tomohiro Nakamura - Nagoya University, Japan
Quasinormal modes of neutron stars in R^2 gravity Day 28 Jose Blázquez-Salcedo, Oldenburg U., Germany
Introduction into Machine Learning using Artificial Neural Networks Day 29 Evgeny Lakshtanov - Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro
MatLogica HPC library with an option of Automatic Adjoint Differentiation (AAD) Day 13 Evgeny Lakshtanov (University of Aveiro)
Strange quantum phenomena on almost-Riemannian manifolds Day 25 Ivan Beschastnyi (Universidade de Aveiro)
OJ 287: Potential Rosetta stone for the nascent multi-messenger nano-Hz GW astronomy Day 27 Lankeswar Dey (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India)
Introdução à Finança Quantitativa Day 27 Evgeny Lakshtanov - Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and Applications (CIDMA, OGTC Group) and Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro
Emergent gravity from off-shell energy fixing Day 12 Francisco de Anda (Tepatitlán's Institute for Theoretical Studies)
Compositional data: some challenges in the world of Multivariate Statistics Day 14 Adelaide Freitas, CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro
Study of convex Semi-infinite Programming problems: general approaches, applications, and open problems Day 14 Tatiana Tchemisova, CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro
Embeddings of smoothness Morrey spaces on domains Day 20 Helena Gonçalves (CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
K-dynamics: Dynamics of screening in the strong-field regime Day 26 Miguel Bezares (SISSA - Trieste)
Polarized natural deduction Day 28 José Espírito Santo, Center of Mathematics, University of Minho
Determining groups in multiple survival curves Day 28 Luís Meira-Machado, Centre of Mathematics, University of Minho
Modeling and forecasting with Stochastic Differential Equations and other stochastic processes Day 31 Paula Milheiro Oliveira (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto)
Exponential solutions in a mixed type differential equation Day 05 Sandra Pinelas (CEMAT & Academia Militar)
Hahn multiple orthogonal polynomials of type I Day 20 Juan Díaz (Universidade de Aveiro)
Models for limited-dependent variables Day 25 Rodney de Sousa (Universidade de Aveiro, CIDMA)
New Insights into Strong Gravity from Accreting Black Holes Day 17 Prashant Kocherlakota (Black Hole Initiative, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA)
Factorization of matrix-functions: recent results and some applications Day 30 Sergei Rogosin (Belarusian State University, Belarus)
Kobra: a Vlasov Code with AMR Day 15 Sebastian Konewko (Gent University)
O Recurso a Jogos no Ensino da Estatística Day 23 Andreia Hall (Departamento de Matemática e CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
Dados Agronómicos: Dificuldade na interpretação dos resultados obtidos pela aplicação de técnicas da estatística multivariada e na escolha de técnicas de modelagem Day 06 Márcia Pereira Sartori, FCA/UNESP/Botucatu, São Paulo,Brasil
Hypermonogenic Plane Wave Solutions of Dirac equation in Clifford algebra and Superspace Day 14 Heikki Orelma, Civil Engineering,Tampere University, Finland
Positive solutions for some boundary-value problems with sign changing green's functions Day 15 Ricardo Enguiça, ISEL - Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa
Numerical solution of fractional optimal control problems using modified hat functions Day 20 Somayeh Nemati, DMat, CIDMA, UA
Relatos de experiências nas formações inicial e contínua de professores Day 20 Andreia Hall, DMat, UA
On testing for a large number of outcomes: Recent results and applications in genomewide studies and NGS experiments Day 27 Jacobo Álvarez, FEBS, University of Vigo, Spain
Moving black holes: Energy extraction, absorption cross-section, and the ring of fire Day 05
How to navigate between several multivariate statistical techniques to reach the right port in Health Metrics: Application of the mixture item response theory model to the Self-Administered Food Secur Day 06 Milton Severo - Departamento Ciências da Saúde Pública e Forenses, e Educação Médica, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto e Unidade de Investigação em Epidemiologia (EPIUnit), Universidade
Coupled systems of Hammerstein-type integral equations with sign-changing kernels on bounded and unbounded intervals Day 12 Feliz Minhós - Departamento de Matemática, Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia & CIMA Universidade de Évora
Existência de soluções fortes T-periódicas para um sistema magneto-elástico Day 21 Nilde Frederico (Universidade Federal do Ceará, Campus de Russas, Brasil)
Calculus of variations for generalized functions Day 21 Gastão S. F. Frederico (Universidade Federal do Ceará, Campus de Russas, Brasil)
Unveiling the effects of individual variation in epidemiology, ecology and evolution Day 26 Gabriela Gomes - Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom, and Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Deep learning for Collider Phenomenology Day 26 Felipe Freitas - Gr@v, U. Aveiro
Influence of mutation rates on phenotypically-structured populations in time-periodic environment Day 28 Cécile Carrère - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Pacotes SCORM no apoio ao ensino: de que se trata? Day 01 António Caetano e Beatriz Caetano (Departamento de Matemática da UA)
Searching for ultralight bosons with black holes and gravitational waves: a status update Day 10 Richard Brito (Sapienza University of Rome)
Gravitational Wave Observations of Black Hole and Neutron Star Mergers Day 24 Prof. Stephen Fairhurst (Cardiff University)
Double-organ Bias in Vision Research: An Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) example Day 24 Rita Coimbra , PhD - Association for Innovation and Biomedical Research on Light and Image (AIBILI), Coimbra, Portugal
Analysis and Differential Geometry International Seminar (ADGIS@Aveiro) - Analysis on singular and non-compact spaces and Lie manifolds Day 24 Victor Nistor - Université de Lorraine, France
Null Surface Thermodynamics Day 02 Shahin Jabbari (Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Tehran)
Optimal control applied to dengue disease prevention: economic burden and role of communication Day 09 H. Sofia Rodrigues (Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo) e Miguel Brito da Cruz (Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal)
The stability of dynamical systems and invariant polyhedra of matrices Day 14 Vladimir Yu. Protasov - University of L’Aquila (Italy), Moscow State University (Russia)
Contributions to the study of time series with trend and breaks Day 16 Rosário Ramos (Universidade Aberta e Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL), Portugal)
Dual-Frame Generalized Harmonic Gauge on Hyperboloidal Slices Day 23 David Hilditch (Instituto Superior Técnico - Lisbon)
Solving the Teukolsky equation with physics- informed neural networks Day 01 Raimon Luna (University of Valencia)
Machine Learning for Gravitational Wave Astronomy Day 08 Stephen Green (University of Nottingham)
Misturar, para quê? Day 08 Miguel Felgueiras (Departamento de Matemática – ESTG Leiria)
Multiple black holes and resonances Day 15 Béatrice Bonga (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
Quantisation of a charged scalar field on Reissner-Nordström spacetime Day 22 Visakan Balakumar (Sheffield University)
Exponentials rarely maximize Fourier extension estimates to cones Day 23 Giuseppe Negro (CAMGSD, Instituto Superior Técnico)
Signatures of domain wall networks: from gravitational waves to primordial black holes Day 07 Ricardo Ferreira (University of Coimbra)
On special positive solutions of the first discrete Painlevé hierarchy Day 14 Ana Loureiro (University of Kent)
Jones factorization and Rubio de Francia extrapolation for matrix weights Day 15 David V. Cruz-Uribe, OFS (The University of Alabama)
From Hubble to Bubble - gravitational waves from phase transitions after inflation Day 21 Andreas Mantziris (University of Porto)
Parameter estimation in state-space models – strategies for handling outliers Day 21 Catarina Pereira (Universidade do Minho)
Boundary regional controllability of a class of time-fractional semi-linear systems Day 28 Asmae Tajani (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
A KAT-like approach for union-bound reasoning on probabilistic programs Day 29 Leandro Gomes (Université de Lille)
Blast and splash in a cold gas Day 04 Paul Krapivsky (Boston University)
Temperature evolution in the Early Universe and Freeze-in at stronger coupling Day 05 Catarina Cosme (University of Coimbra)
Random matrix ensembles, reproducing kernels and Toeplitz minors Day 01 Miguel Tierz, DMat, FC, Universidade de Lisboa
On the direct problem for Laguerre-Hahn orthogonal polynomials on the real line Day 15 Maria das Neves Rebocho, DMat, University of Beira Interior & CMUC
A new result on the inverse conductivity problem with discontinuous conductivities Day 19 Ivan Pombo, PICS, UA
Multi-scale detection of higher order geometric features using Taylorlets Day 20 Thomas Fink, University of Passau, Germany
Os mapas conceptuais no ensino e na aprendizagem da matemática: o caso particular da álgebra linear Day 20 Ricardo Gonçalves Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave
Some applications of fractional optimal control problems Day 20 Ricardo Almeida, DMat, CIDMA, UA
Políticas ótimas de pesca usando equações diferenciais estocásticas Day 27 Nuno Brites ISEG, UL, UE
Genomics Big Data: when Mathematics meets Biology Day 27 Rita Coimbra, iBiGEN UA
Asymptotic distribution of singularities of solutions to ODEs in the complex plane Day 29 Davide Masoero, DMat FCUL
Finite difference methods for ultra-slow diffusive models Day 04 Luísa Morgado - Department of Mathematics, School of Science and Technology, UTAD
COVID-19: mathematical modelling, optimal control and complex network of a SAIRP model Day 03 Cristiana J. Silva (CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
Neutron stars in screened modified gravity Day 10 Alexandru Dima (SISSA, Trieste)
Accretion of scalar hair onto black holes Day 17 Jamie Bamber (University of Oxford)
Mathematical modelling of some diseases related to water Day 17 Faïçal Ndaïrou (CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro)
Analysis and Differential Geometry International Seminar (ADGIS@Aveiro) - Nonharmonic operator analysis Day 17 Michael Ruzhansky ( Ghent University, Belgium )
Kernels of Unbounded Toeplitz Operators and Factorization of Symbols Day 17 Teresa Malheiro (Departamento de Matemática & CMAT, Universidade do Minho)
Sign uncertainty principles: old and new Day 31 Diogo Oliveira e Silva (School of Mathematics, University of Birmingham, UK)
Geostatistical analysis of sardine eggs data: dealing with zero- inflated data and extreme values Day 16 Soraia Pereira (Departamento de Estatística e Investigação Operacional, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Stable approximation of Helmholtz solutions by evanescent plane waves Day 17 Andrea Moiola (Università degli studi di Pavia, Italy)
Periodicity on isolated time scales Day 28 Jaqueline Godoy Mesquita - Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Brasília, Brasil
Convolution-like structures, differential operators and diffusion processes Day 30 Rúben Sousa (CMUP - Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto)
Post-Newtonian waveform: a state of the art Day 01 François Larrouturou (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
Teaching materials and resources for Biostatistics education Day 01 Miguel Ángel Montero-Alonso (Biostatistics Unit, Department of Statistics and Operations Research University of Granada)
Numerical range of a quaternionic operator Day 02 Cristina Diogo (ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Gravitational Waves from Extreme-Mass-Ratio Systems in Astrophysical Environments Day 08 Francisco Duque (IST e CENTRA)
Minimum length scale and quantum black holes Day 15 Roberto Casadio Bologna (University and INFN)
A Biorthogonal Approach to Infinite Dimensional Fractional Poisson Measures Day 16 José Luís da Silva (CIMA-UMa, Universidade da Madeira)
Numerical convergence of model Cauchy- Characteristic Extraction and Matching Day 22 Thanasis Giannakopoulos (Nottingham University)
Afinal o que se entende por pensamento crítico? E como promovê-lo? Day 22 Rui Marques Vieira (UA-DEP, CIDTFF)
Potenciar soft skills com a Matemática Day 22 Sandrina Santos (UA-DMat)
A Biorthogonal Approach to Infinite Dimensional Fractional Poisson Measures Day 23 José Luís da Silva (CIMA-UMa, Universidade da Madeira)
Necessary and sufficient conditions to lower semi-continuity of supremal functionals Day 29 Ana Margarida Ribeiro ( Center for Mathematics and Applications (NOVA Math) and Department of Mathematics, NOVA SST )
Low delay Streaming based on unit memory codes Day 29 Carlos Vela (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Existence and uniqueness of solution for fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions and the Adomian Decomposition Method Day 30 Om Kalthoum Wanassi (CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
Numerical evolution of well-posed field theories with anisotropic scaling Day 06 Marcelo Rubio (SISSA, Trieste)
Uso do Scratch para o desenvolvimento de aplicações no ensino da Matemática Day 06 Patrícia Fernanda da Silva - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brasil
On two implications of the definition of orthogonality and paraorthogonality Day 12 Kenier Castillo (CMUC, University of Coimbra)
Numerical evolutions with the Kadath library: Application to the Schwarzschild black hole and Teukolsky gravitational waves Day 13 Jordan Nicoules (CIDMA & University of Aveiro)
Deturpação de informação estatística – apenas mais alguns exemplos! Day 13 Carla Henriques (Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Portugal)
Self-dual Convolutional Codes Day 19 Julia Lieb (Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany)
Competências Distintas – Planos de Ensino/Aprendizagem Diferenciados (Uma Experiência no Ensino de Matemática no Ensino Superior) Day 03 Filomena Soares ISCAP, Politécnico do Porto
Three-dimensional velocity field for blood flow using the power-law viscosity function Day 05 Fernando Carapau, DMat, Universidade de Évora
Convergence of asymptotic systems of non-autonomous Hopfield neural network models with infinite distributed delays Day 26 José J. Oliveira
Boson stars and their instabilities Day 07 Nils Siemonsen (Perimeter Institute of Theoretical Physics)
Analysis and Differential Geometry International Seminar (ADGIS@Aveiro) - On the Brunn-Minkovski inequality and sub-Riemannian curvature Day 13 Davide Barilari (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
Some theoretical developments in theories beyond General Relativity within the Palatini formalism Day 14 Diego Sáez-Chillón Gómez (Universidad de Valladolid)
Algebras of convolution type operators with continuous data do not always contain all rank one operators Day 14 Alexei Karlovich (Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)
Investigating the role of temperature in dengue transmission in emerging regions Day 16 Michael A. Robert (Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA)
Interpretable Machine Learning for Astrophysics, using Symbolic Regression and Graph Neural Networks Day 21 Miles Cranmer (Princeton University)
Lince: Programming with differential equations Day 28 José Proença (Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Radon type transforms in Clifford analysis Day 28 Ren Hu (Ghent University)
Well-posedness and numerical approximation of tempered fractional terminal value problems Day 28 Magda Rebelo (Department of Mathematics and CMA, NOVA School of Science and Technology)
On the Existence of Solutions of the Limit Problem for the Magnetically Non-insulated Diode Day 29 Edixon Rojas (Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá-Colombia)
Finsler spacetimes and its applications to cosmology and wildfire propagation Day 06 Miguel Angel Javaloyes (University of Murcia)
Modelos longitudinais para dados binários: aplicação num estudo sobre desnutrição aguda e crónica em crianças em Angola Day 13 M. Helena Gonçalves, Carolina Gasparinho, Assucênio Chissaque, Giovani L. Silva, Filomeno Fortes, Luzia Gonçalves
The Beauty of Self-Duality Day 20 Luiz Agostinho Ferreira (Universidade de São Paulo)
Multiple solutions for the fractional p-Laplacian with jumping reactions Day 21 Silvia Frassu (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Cagliari, Italy)
Deformed orthogonal polynomials on the real line Day 13 Maria das Neves Rebocho (CMA, Universidade da Beira Interior)
Uma abordagem de wavelets para análise de séries temporais Day 19 Mateus Gonzalez de Freitas Pinto (Instituto de Matemática e Estatística, Universidade de São Paulo)
Optimal control of groundwater pollution: theoretical and numerical results Day 19 Éloïse Comte [Complex Systems Lab, INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), Clermont-Ferrand, France]
Testing Fundamental Physics with the Event Horizon Telescope Day 19 Lia Medeiros (Princeton - Institute of Advanced Study)
Geometric conditions to existence and uniqueness of generalized projections in Hilbert spaces Day 05 Fátima Pereira (CIMA & University of Évora)
Confinement of exotic energy Day 10 Darío (Núñez UNAM, Mexico)
First and second order nonlinear coupled systems with impulses – Existence and localization of periodic solutions Day 16 Sara Perestrelo (CIMA & University of Évora)
Young brown dwarfs and rogue planets in the Milky Way Day 17 Koraljka Muzic (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, FCUL)
On the structure of the infinitesimal generators of semigroups with discrete Lyapunov functionals Day 23 Carlos Rocha (IST - Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa)
The optical appearance of some regular compact objects Day 24 Mercè Guerrero (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Sobre (in)dependência de cauda Day 24 Marta Ferreira (Centro de Matemática, Universidade do Minho, Portugal)
Infinite products of operators Day 30 Mário Bessa (CMUP & Universidade Aberta)
INFINITY IN MATHEMATICS AND THEOLOGY: ON THE N. N. LUZIN – P. A. FLORENTSKIY DEBATE Day 10 Professor Sergey S. Demidov - President of the International Academy of the History of Science
Fredholmness in C*-algebras of Singular Integral Operators with Shifts Day 10 Cláudio Fernandes, Departamento de Matemática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Approximate Bayesian Forecasting Day 15 Brendan McCabe, Honorary and Emeritus Professor of Econometrics , University of Liverpool
Aprendizagem cooperativa com recurso a quadros brancos numa unidade curricular de Física introdutória Day 15 T. M. Seixas e M. A. Salgueiro da Silva - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto / CITEUC
Kinematics of complex movement Day 17 Carlos Correia Ramos - Departamento de Matemática, Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações, Universidade de Évora
Semiclassical orthogonal polynomials and an application involving an electrostatic model Day 31 Márcio Nascimento de Jesus - CI&DETS, Área Científica de Matemática, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu
Stationary black holes and light rings Day 01 Pedro Cunha (AEI, Germany)
Gravitational footprints of massive neutrinos and lepton number breaking Day 08 António Morais (UA)
Hybrid metric-Palatini gravity: applications to cosmology and astrophysics Day 15 João Luis Rosa (IST-Lisbon)
Gravitational Waves From Inflaton Decays Day 22 Da Huang (U. Aveiro and U. Lisbon)
Rotating vacuum in TMST: Solitons and Hairy Black Holes Day 29 Lucas Collodel (U. Oldenburg, Germany)
Minimizing epidemic duration and size by using limited resources: an optimal control approach Day 29 Rossella Della Marca - University of Parma, Italy
Quasinormal modes and their connection to black hole shadow Day 05 Huan Yang (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Testing the nature of black holes with gravitational waves Day 12 Guilherme Raposo (Sapienza University of Rome)
“Time”-Covariant Schrödinger Equation and the Canonical Quantization of the Reissner–Nordström Black Hole Day 19 Theodore Pailas (University of Athens)
Contractive Projections and Lifting of Operators on Banach Spaces Day 19 Fernanda Botelho (Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Memphis, USA).
Spin representations, Fourier transform, and symbol calculus (1st part) Day 26 Milton Ferreira (CIDMA & Polytechnic Institute of Leiria)
Probing light axion-like particles with neutron star inspirals Day 26 Jun Zhang (Imperial College, London)
Vaccination against morbidity risks: an evolutionary dynamics analysis Day 26 José Martins (LIAAD-INESC TEC and School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic of Leiria)
The isometric extension problem Day 26 María Cueto-Avellaneda (University of Kent, UK)
A model for mixed warm and hot light dark matter Day 04 Vinicius Oliveira (Universidade de Paraíba)
On the fundamental solution of the ψ-Hilfer fractional diffusion equation and its probabilistic interpretations Day 05 Nelson Vieira (CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
CIDMA's Great Young Researchers Day 13
A História e a Herança da Matemática ( Challenges of investigating the history of mathematics from a perished country: Yugoslavia and the Cold War Mathematics) Day 18 Snezana Lawrence ( Department of Mathematics and Design Engineering, Middlesex University)
Automatic Adjoint Differentiation for special functions involving expectations Day 18 José Brito (CIDMA - Universidade de Aveiro)
Evolving black hole with scalar field accretion Day 25 Marco de Cesare (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
On the state-space realization of periodic siso behaviors Day 26 José C. Aleixo (University of Beira Interior)
Fractional Dirac operators and the anisotropic Calder ́on problem Day 05 Hadrian Quan (University of Washington)
Functional Equations and Ulam Stability Day 11 A. Ponmana Selvan (Kings Engineering College, Irungattukottai, India)
Prospects for multi-probe cosmology as gravity and inflation probes Day 17 José Fonseca (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço)
Black-hole evolution in the presence of scalar fields Day 24 Marco de Cesare (University of Naples and INFN)
Geometric conditions to existence and uniqueness of projection in Hilbert spaces, and directional curvatures in finite dimensional spaces Day 24 Fátima Pereira (DMat-ECT, CIMA-IIFA, Universidade de Évora)
Certain Extensions of a Result of Siegel Day 25 Pedro Ribeiro (Faculdade de Ciências do Porto)
Soft Loss of Stability in Ocean Circulation Box Model with Turbulent Fluxes Day 31 Alexey Davydov (Universidade Estatal de Moscovo)
Cosmology from galaxy phase-space information and a bit of halo-galaxy connection Day 31 Natali de Santi (Flatiron Institute and University of São Paulo)
Weighted Grand Morrey Spaces: Duality, Extrapolation and Interpolation. Applications to the Boundedness of Operators of Hamonic Analysis and PDEs Day 07 Alexander Meskhi (Kutaisi International University, Georgia)
SpheriCo.jl: Spherical Collapse in Julia Day 08 Thanasis Giannakopoulos (University of Nottingham)
Learning Cost Functions for Reinforced Learned Controllers in a Quadrupedal Robot Day 16 Alexandre Anahory Simões (IE University, Madrid, Spain)
Graphs whose stability number is easily determined - POSTPONED Day 17 Domingos M. Cardoso ( Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Aveiro - CIDMA )
Beyond the Concordance Model with galaxy cluster mass profiles Day 22 Lorenzo Pizzuti (University of Milano Bicocca)
ADA LOVELACE: DEDICATED LEARNER OF MATHEMATICS Day 27 Christopher Hollings ( Mathematical Institute and The Queen’s College, University of Oxford)
A discussion on mathematical modelling with classical and fractional derivatives Day 28 Davide Cusseddu (CMAT, University of Minho)
Jet-like structures in low-mass binary neutron star merger remnants Day 28 Milton Ruiz (University of Valencia)
A weighted anisotropic spectral optimization problem arising in population dynamic Day 28 Delia Schiera (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
Dust systematics in Type Ia Supernova cosmology Day 29 Santiago Gonzalez (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Conhecer o SIACUA Day 05 Cláudio Henriques, Fábio Henriques, Margarida Ferreira - Universidade de Aveiro
Weighted norm inequalities for fractional integral with general analytic kernels Day 05 Jean-Daniel Djida - University of Santiago de Compostela
Asymptotic behavior for some structured population systems of delay differential equations Day 07 Teresa Faria - Departamento de Matemática & CMAF-CIO, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Γ-CONVERGENCE AND SHELL EQUATIONS Day 14 Roland Duduchava - The University of Georgia & A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute,Tbilisi, Georgia
Local and global dynamics of Ramsey model: from continuous to discrete time Day 17 Malgorzata K. Guzowska - Institute of Econometrics and Statistics, University of Szczecin, Poland
Fractional output stabilization problem of infinite dimensional semilinear systems Day 17 Hanaa Zitane - Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco
Can electromagnetic interaction revive (collisional) Penrose process? Day 05 Filip Hejda (IST-Lisbon)
A new convolution and product theorem for the offset linear canonical transform Day 08 Anabela Silva (CIDMA & University of Aveiro)
Observational signatures from supermassive black hole mimickers Day 19 Hector Olivares (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands)
Controlled synchronization in complex networks of dynamical systems applied to a panic model Day 19 Guillaume Cantin (Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées, Le Havre, Normandie, France)
Dirac QNMs on asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes with Robin boundary conditions Day 24 Mengjie Wang (Aveiro U. and Hunan Normal U., China)
Nonlinear cross-diffusion models and applications Day 29 Adérito Araújo (CMUC & University of Coimbra)
Gravitational-wave imprints of non-integrable extreme-mass-ratio inspirals Day 02 Kyriakos Destounis (University of Tübingen)
Second variation in the minimal graph immersion problem Day 02 Ivan Beschastnyi (Universidade de Aveiro, CIDMA fellow)
Spin representations, Fourier transform, and symbol calculus (2nd part) Day 02 Milton Ferreira (CIDMA & Polytechnic Institute of Leiria)
Black hole (de)scalarization in compact binaries Day 09 Hector Silva (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)
Analytical solution of a non-smooth optimal control problem applied to irrigation Day 09 Ana P. Lemos-Paião (Centro de Física, Universidade do Minho & CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
Wavelet decomposition and embeddings of generalised Besov-Morrey spaces Day 09 Susana Moura (CMUC, University of Coimbra)
A HISTÓRIA DA MATEMÁTICA NO BRASIL NOS ÚLTIMOS 30 ANOS (1990 - 2020) Day 12 Iran Mendes (Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica, Universidade Federal do Pará)
Generalizing the Close Limit Approximation Day 16 Lorenzo Annulli (IST - University of Lisbon)
Strong map symmetry of SL(3, K ) and PSL(3, K ) for any finite field K Day 23 Domenico Catalano, CIMDA, University of Aveiro
Aplicações de apoio ao ensino e avaliação: MCQEditor e SIACUA Day 23 Luis F. Descalço, Hugo Silva, Gustavo Noronha (Universidade de Aveiro)
Operator spaces and Jordan structures Day 23 Lina Oliveira (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa and CAMGSD - Center for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry and Dynamical Systems)
Two talks on quantitative finance (1st part) Day 28 Sebastian Steinfeld (Senior analyst in a UK bank)
Two talks on quantitative finance (2nd part) Day 29 Sebastian Steinfeld (Senior analyst in a UK bank)
Correspondence of eikonal quasi-normal modes and unstable fundamental photon orbits for Kerr-Newman black hole Day 30 Minyong Guo (Peking University, Beijing)
Spectral results of a class of circulant matrices Day 30 Cristina B. Manzaneda (Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile)
The pandemic seen from a simple mathematical model Day 02 Carla M. A. Pinto (CMUP & ISEP - Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto)
Some results on regional optimal control problem for fractional systems with control delay Day 02 Touria Karite (National School of Applied Sciences, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco)
Machine learning and urban mobility Day 02 Aicha Karite (Institute of Communications and Navigation, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany)
My Scientific Path in Mathematics and FDEs with Integral Boundary Conditions Day 08 Om Kalthoum Wanassi (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Adjoint Differentiation for generic matrix functions Day 09 Evgeny Lakshtanov (CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
Universal relations for rotating Boson Stars Day 15 Castelo Mourelle Jorge (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
The infinite normal form reduction for nonlinear dispersive equations Day 15 Simão Correia (CAMGSD, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
Optimal control of propagation fronts and moving sets Day 17 Alberto Bressan (Department of Mathematics, Penn State University)
Gravitational waves from spontaneously scalarized black holes Day 29 Leong Khim Wong (Université Paris-Saclay)
Network-based Regularization: an application to skin diseases Day 29 Eunice Carrasquinha - Departamento de Estatística e Investigação Operacional, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, e CEAUL (Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa)
Quasinormal modes and quasibound states of Kerr-like black holes Day 07 Mauricio Richartz (Universidade Federal do ABC)
Brans-Dicke and Ricci-squared Gravities: Sixty Years On... (New Exact Solutions, WEC, Wormholes, and More) Day 14 Hoang Nguyen (Babeş–Bolyai University)
Signed periodic INAR(1) model: an application Day 21 Cláudia Susana Pereira dos Santos (ESAC, Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra)
On the uniqueness of the Calder´on Problem and its application in Electrical Impedance Tomography Day 23 Ivan Pombo (Universidade de Aveiro)
Dynamical l-boson stars Day 28 Juan Carlos Degollado (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
History of mathematics in the classroom: Which are some errors made by mathematicians in the Middle Age and what can students learn from them? Day 30 Josip Slisko (Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México)
Contrapositivização de Implicações Difusas Day 06 Benjamin Rene Callejas Bedregal (Departamento de Informática e Matemática Aplicada – DIMAp; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN)
Short Baseline Neutrino Anomalies: Explanations within and beyond the Standard Model Day 12 Vedran Brdar (Oklahoma State University)
Generalization of the Belief Propagation Algorithm Day 12 Joana Martins (CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
Probing spacetime, accretion and emission model for the Galactic Center: Comparison of Kerr and dilaton black hole shadows Day 13 Jan Röder (Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy)
Epidemiological models in complex networks Day 25 Javier López Pedrares (Galician Center for Mathematical Research and Technology (CITMAga), and Group of Nonlinear Physics, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Hyperboloidal evolution in Numerical Relativity: the case of Generalized Harmonic Gauge Day 26 Christian Peterson (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Integrating R, LaTeX, and Moodle for Sustainable Digital Assessments in Statistics with R/exams Day 26 M. Cristina Miranda (ISCA, CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
Experiências computacionais sobre matrizes de Lehman, mni e seus cores Day 26 Paulo Tavares (CIDMA)
Finding generating sets of finite groups using their Cayley graphs Day 02 Tanakorn Udomworarat, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai university, Thailand
The algebra of gyrogroups: From groups to gyrogroups Day 02 Teerapong Suksumran, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai university, Thailand
Optimal leader–follower control for the fractional opinion formation model Day 05 Tatiana Odzijewicz - Warsaw School of Economics, Poland
The problem of constructing complete MDP convolutional codes over small fields Day 24 Julia Lieb - CIDMA, University of AVeiro
Modelos conjuntos para dados longitudinais e de sobrevivência Day 15 Inês Sousa (Departamento de Matemática e Aplicações e Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Minho)
The gravitational spin Hall effect of light Day 17 Marius Oancea, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam, Germany
A dynamically consistent discretization method for Goodwin Model Day 08 Malgorzata Guzowska (Institute of Economics and Finance, University of Szczecin, Poland)
Modularity of geometric objects andrelated problems Day 14 Ariel Martin Pacetti (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Dynamical versions of the Chow-Rashevskii’s Theorem Day 01 Sergey Kryzhevich - Gdánsk University of Technology (Poland)
Criação e partilha de exercícios parametrizados Day 19 Clarisse Oliveira, Cláudia Azevedo, Gustavo Noronha e Tiago Quintas (bolseiros do DMat-UA)
Covering problems in hierarchical poset spaces Day 06 Marcos Spreafico (Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil)
On the single and mixed partial fractional derivatives on a rectangle Day 18 Rafał Kamocki (University of Lodz, Poland)
The trans-Planckian problem in loop quantum cosmology Day 11 Rita Neves (University of Sheffield, UK)
Optimization in Modelling the Ribs-Bounded Contour in Computer Tomography Scan Slices Day 25 Jolita Bernatavičienė - Cognitive Computing Group of Vilnius University, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies.
Data mining and optimisation solutions in medicine applications Day 26 Jolita Bernatavičienė - Cognitive Computing Group of Vilnius University, Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies.
Optical Geometry and Constructive Gravity Day 30 Marcus Werner - IPMU, Japan
Supersymmetric traversable wormholes Day 16 Andres Anabalon (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile)
Harnack inequality for nonlinear pdes Day 30 Eurica Henriques ( Dep. Matemática - UTAD; CMAT- Polo CMAT-UTAD)
A stabilization mechanism for excited fermion-boson stars Day 29 Fabrizio Di Giovanni (University of Valencia)
Computing fractional powers of operators by quadrature rules Day 08 Lidia Aceto (University of Eastern Piedmont, Alessandria, Italy)
New mechanism of primordial black hole formation during reheating Day 21 Luis Padilla (UNAM, Mexico)
Quaternion Hyperbolic Fourier Transforms Day 21 Milton Ferreira (Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão - Instituto Politécnico de Leiria & CIDMA)
Testing General Relativity with black hole X-ray data Day 28 Cosimo Bambi (Fudan University, Shanghai)
Quaterniões e Transformada de Fourier quaterniónica Day 28 Rodrigo Domingues (Universidade de Aveiro)
Harmonic, monogenic, and contragenic functions in spheroidal domains Day 30 João Morais (Mexico Autonomous Institute of Technology)
Introduction to Quantum Computing with Scilab (or Matlab) Day 07 Eddie Smigiel (INSA Strasbourg)
Cosmological tests on non-metricity based theories of gravity Day 20 José Ferreira (CIDMA and University of Aveiro)
Analysis on Clifford-Kanzaki algebras Day 20 Heikki Orelma (Tampere University)
Mathematical Models for Vaccination Day 27 Fabio Chalub (NOVA Math & Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
Finite time stability analysis of a class of nonlinear generalized fractional systems with delayed state Day 28 Hanaa Zitane (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Linear Models for Distributional Data Day 29 Sónia Dias (ESTG, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo e LIAAD-INESC TEC)
Phase space mixing of a Vlasov gas in the exterior of a Kerr black hole Day 10 Olivier Sarbach (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Cuajimalpa, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo)
Quasinormal Modes in Modified Gravity using Physics-Informed Neural Networks Day 17 Raimon Luna (University of Valencia)
Complex structures of boson stars and anisotropic distribution of satellite galaxies Day 18 Víctor Jaramillo (University of Science and Technology of China)
A necessary condition for the boundedness of the maximal operator on Lp(·) over reverse doubling spaces of homogeneous type Day 19 Alina Shalukhina (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)
Inequalities of indefinite type Day 20 Takashi Sano (Yamagata University, Japan)
Automorphisms and Isomorphisms of Maps in Linear Time Day 25 Roman Nedela (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic)
An existence theory for nonlinear equations on metric graphs Day 07 Matthias Hofmann, Universidade de Lisboa
Non-linear dynamics of spinning bosonic stars: formation and stability Day 09 Nicholas Sanchis-Gual, CENTRA - Instituto Superior Técnico
Numerical modelling of the fire behaviour of steel structures Day 09 Nuno Lopes, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Aveiro; Aveiro Research Centre of Risks and Sustainability in Construction (RISCO)
Motivação, competências matemáticas e solidez de conhecimento: relato de uma experiência conduzida com estudantes de engenharia de Cálculo I Day 16 Ana Breda e António Jorge Neves - Departamento de Matemática da UA
UV completions of effective models explaining B-physics anomalies Day 22 Prof. Werner Porod (Wurzburg U., Germany)
Black holes Day 23 Carlos Herdeiro - Departamento de Matemática UA and CIDMA
Curvature Day 28 Brigitte Forster-Heinlein, Universität Passau, Passau, Alemanha
Majorization - some recent developments in matrix theory Day 28 Geir Dahl - University of Oslo, Norway
Analysis of the curvature of 3D edges with the Taylorlet transform Day 30 Thomas Fink, Universität Passau, Passau, Alemanha
How algebraic is the dual of Priestley? Day 02 Dirk Hofmann (CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro)
Quaternionic Volterra operators and P-triangular operators Day 14 Uwe Kahler (Dep. Matemática & CIDMA, UA)
How algebraic is the dual of Priestley (part II) Day 14 Dirk Hofmann (CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro)
Exploding neutron stars: understanding the role of pasta phases Day 21 Ivo Sengo (U. Aveiro)
Numerical Analysis of Wave-Parabolic Systems with Application to Drug Delivery Day 28 Daniela Jordão - Universidade de Coimbra, CMUC
The Black Hole Photon Ring Day 13 Alex Lupsasca (Princeton University)
Doubly stochastic matrices: old and new results Day 20 Geir Dahl (University of Oslo)
Sub-Riemannian geometry and its applications Day 22 Ivan Beschastnyi (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Diffraction problems for two-dimensional lattice waves Day 27 David Kapanadze (Andrea Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi, Georgia)
Riesz basis of exponentials for convex polytopes with symmetric faces Day 29 Alberto Debernardi Pinos (Universidade de Aveiro)
It’s all about the maps Day 29 Dirk Hofmann (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Exploring strong gravity systems with the techniques of magnetohydrodynamics Day 04 Hector Olivares (from Radboud University to University of Aveiro)
Flavour and dark matter in a scoto/seesaw model Day 12 Henrique Câmara (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Superoscillations, the Talbot carpet, and Gauss sums Day 12 Daniele Struppa (Chapman University, U.S.A.)
Constraints on dark matter from observations of neutron stars and their mergers Day 19 Violetta Sagun (University of Coimbra)
A simulation-based model to assess the financial risk of a NCB in the Eurosystem Day 19 Nuno Silva (Economics and Research Departament, Banco de Portugal)
Convolution equations on the Lie group and their applications Day 19 Roland Duduchava (The University of Georgia, A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi, Georgia)
Mixed type boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation in a model 2D double angular domain Day 19 Margarita Tutberidze (Institute of Mathematics of the University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia)
A Matemática como um laboratório de pensamento Day 19 Iran Mendes (Instituto de Educação Matemática e Científica, Universidade Federal do Pará)
Elastic compact objects in General Relativity Day 26 Guilhereme Raposo (University of Aveiro)
The Variational Formulation of Evolutionary Processes Day 27 Fábio Chalub (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade Nova de Lisboa)
A C++ implementation of discrete adjoint sensitivity analysis for systems of ODEs Day 11 Rui Carlos Andrade Martins (Universidade de Aveiro)
Topological Solitons in Gravity Day 11 Pierre Heidmann (Ohio State University)
On quasilinear variational and quasivariational inequalities with fractional gradient constraints Day 12 Lisa Santos (CMAT, Universidade do Minho)
Some applications of differential geometry Day 25 Fátima Silva Leite (Department of Mathematics - University of Coimbra and Institute of Systems and Robotics - Coimbra)
Neutron stars as laboratories for testing extreme gravity Day 25 Kent Yagi (University of Virginia)
On fractional diffusion problems with boundaries Day 26 Ercília Sousa (CMUC, Universidade de Coimbra)
No-go theorems for gravitating nonlinear electromagnetic fields Day 02 Ana Bokulić (University of Zagreb)
Fredholm criteria for a class of Fourier pseudodifferential operators with continuous data on Orlicz spaces Day 03 Márcio Valente (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa)
Outlier detection and explanation for matrix-variate data Day 07 Peter Filzmoser (TU Wien – Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
PyGgb: Learning Python through GeoGebra Day 09 Ben North (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
Pytch: A bridge from Scratch to Python Day 09 Ben North (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
Further PyGgb: More advanced Python and GeoGebra Day 10 Ben North (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
A p-Laplacian problem in R^N with singular, convective, critical reaction Day 17 Umberto Guarnotta (University of Catania, Italy)
Modelling Count Time Series with Censoring and Missing Data Day 30 Isabel Silva (Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto and CIDMA)
Complex distributions emerging in filtering and compression Day 20 Sergey Dorogovtsev, Universidade de Aveiro, Departamento de Física
A construction of Abelian non-cyclic orbit codes Day 20 Veronica Requena (Universidade de Alicante)
A McEliece-type cryptosystem based on convolutional codes Day 20 Diego Napp (Universidade de Alicante)
On the minimal Dα− spectral radius of graphs subject to fixed connectivity Day 27 Germain Pastén Tabilo, Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN), Antofagasta Chile
Preservation of vanishing properties of generalized Morrey spaces by some classical operators Day 27 Alexandre Almeida, Dep. Matemática, UA & CIDMA
Docência+: aprendizagem ativa e avaliação em matemática Day 27 António Neves e Luís Descalço Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Aveiro
Black Holes Lessons from Multipole Ratios: A New Window into Black Holes Day 04 Iosif Bena (Université Paris Saclay)
A Novel Paradigm for Bilevel Sweeping Control Problems Day 04 Nathalie T. Khalil (SYSTEC, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Porto University)
Kerr (smooth) deviations and Symmetries Day 11 Georgios O. Papadopoulos
The Gross-Siebert program in Mirror Symmetry Day 16 Evgeny Goncharov (University of Cambridge)
Core-collapse of fast rotators in the early universe Day 18 Koh Takahashi (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics)
On a singular integral operator with non-Carleman shift and conjugation Day 24 Rui Marreiros (Dep. de Matemática, Universidade do Algarve & CEAFEL, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
Estimation in the behavioral approach Day 25 Ricardo Pereira (CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro)
Existence and stability results for a fractional boundary value problem involving the usual derivative Day 03 Anabela Silva (CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
On periodic solutions of certain second order differential equations in presence of nonlinear dissipation Day 04 Luís Sanchez (CMAFcIO and Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa)
Hypermaps and their classification Day 05 Domenico Catalano (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Some of the LIGO events might have merged a few times already Day 10 Davide Gerosa (University of Milano-Bicocca)
Modeling and applications in kinetic theory of mixtures Day 12 Ana Jacinta Soares (Centre of Mathematics, University of Minho)
The historical Zermelo navigation problem of quickest nautical revisited in the frame of geometric optimal control Day 17 Bernard Bonnard (Institut Mathématiques de Bourgogne and Inria Sophia Antipolis, France)
Separating Astrophysics and Geometry in Black Hole Images Day 17 Guillermo Lara (SISSA and IFPU, Trieste)
Stable Variable Selection -- an approach based on penalized regression procedures Day 19 Vera Afreixo (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
On the regularity of Brownian motion Day 22 Henning Kempka ( Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena - University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
On Fractional boundary value problems Day 25 Rui Ferreira (Universidade de Lisboa)
Algebraic topology and concurrency theory Day 26 Thomas Kahl (Center of Mathematics, University of Minho)
Holographic duals of evaporating black holes Day 09 Roberto Emparan (ICREA and Universitat de Barcelona)
On norm decay rates of the Fourier oscillatory integral operators with real-valued phases Day 09 Nguyen Minh Tuan (Viet Nam National University, Ha Noi, Viet Nam)
Dynamical descalarization with a jump during black hole merger Day 23 Daniela Doneva (Theoretische Astrophysik, Tuebingen)
The relationship between non-catastrophicity and other properties of convolutional codes Day 23 Julia Lieb (University of Zurich)
On existence of solutions for optimal control problems with nonconvex lagrangian Day 24 Clara Carlota (Centro de Investigação em Matemática e Aplicações (CIMA), Universidade de Évora)
End of time evolution in self- interacting vector theories Day 30 Andrew Coates (Koc University)
Harmonic analysis and regularity for non-autonomous problems Day 02 Peter Hästö (Univertisty of Turku, Finland)
A McEliece Cryptosystem with a ConvoluƟonal Mask Day 06 Miguel Beltrá Vidal (University of Alicante, Spain)
A convolutional approach to the McEliece cryptosystem with binary Goppa codes Day 10 Miguel Beltrá Vidal (University of Alicante, Spain)
Black hole binaries in ultralight dark matter environments Day 15 Rodrigo Vicente (IFAE, Barcelona)
Function spaces associated with quantum operators. Some properties Day 17 José Luís Cardoso (CMAT, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro)
Isogeny graphs and isogeny cryptography Day 20 Enric Florit
Malba Tahan: Contos e Contas do Vovô Júlio Day 22 André Pereira Neto (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
Black Holes from Inflation: recent challenges and opportunities in the GW era Day 22 Gabriele Franciolini (CERN, Geneva)
On the Qualitative Behaviors of Solutions of Nonlinear Delay Integro-Differential Equations Day 24 Osman Tunç (Department of Computer Programing, Baskale Vocational School, Van Yuzuncu Yil University, Turkey)
Simplex Codes, Shuffles and Applications to the Decoding of Certain Convolutional Codes Day 24 Michael Schaller (University of Zurique)
Detecting environmental effects Day 29 Laura Sberna Albert - Einstein Institute (AEI), Potsdam
On randomized solutions for optimization problems Day 30 Manuel Guerra (ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa)
Norm decay rates of Fourier oscillatory integral operators for a class of Puiseux polynomial phases Day 07 Nguyen Minh Tuan (Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam)
New post-Newtonian results for compact binaries in general relativity and scalar-tensor theories Day 12 David Trestini (University of Southampton)
On Randić Energy of Caterpillar Trees. Old and new results Day 20 Roberto C. Díaz (Departamento de Matemáticas Universidad Católica del Norte)
On the solvability theory of singular integral operators with non-Carleman shift Day 26 Rui Marreiros (CEAFEL, Universidade do Algarve)
Testing General Relativity with Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals Day 27 Susanna Barsanti (University College Dubli)
Control oriented PCA-based reduced-order LPV modeling of the flow system Day 27 Faisal Saleem Silesian (University of Technology Department of Measurements and Control Systems Gliwice, Poland)
Utilização da metodologia Seis Sigma na redução do número de defeitos: um caso de estudo Day 27 Helena Álvelos (Departamento de Economia, Gestão, Engenharia Industrial e Turismo (DEGEIT) e CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
2019 Nobel Physics Prize: Searching for New Planets Day 03 Alexandre Correia, University of Coimbra
Newton’s problem of minimal resistance for convex bodies: the state of art Day 04 Alexander Plakhov, CIDMA, University of Aveiro
Nonlinear eigenmodes of asymptotically anti de Sitter space-times Day 04 Péter Forgács, WRC, Budapest
Generalized convolutions and Laplacian eigenfunctions Day 09 Rúben Sousa, CMUP, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade do Porto
Control problems for singularly per-turbed systems with delay Day 09 Olga Tsekhan, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Belarus
New convolutions associated with Mellin transform and its applications in integral equations Day 11 Anabela Silva, Departamento de Matemática & CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro
CDPCA for clustering of variables Day 11 Adelaide Freitas, Department of Mathematics & CIDMA, University of Aveiro
An overview of the theory of flexible polyhedra Day 18 Victor Alexandrov, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia, and Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Echoes of quantum black holes from Kerr/CFT Day 02 Ramit Dey
Stellar compact mergers as progenitors of short-gamma ray bursts Day 09 Milton Ruiz Meneses (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
(Generalized) Grey Brownian Motion: Properties and Applications Day 11 José Luís da Silva - Universidade da Madeira, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Most MOTS Day 16 Prof. Ivan Booth (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Previsão do número de consultas: uma comparação de modelos estatísticos preditivos por partições aleatórias de um ficheiro de utentes numa USF Day 16 Pedro Rebelo (USF Aveiro Aradas, ACeS Baixo Vouga)
White box instead of black: distilling interpretable mathematical models using machine learning Day 18 Dmitry Spelnikov (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia)
Symbolic computation applied to operator theory problems Day 02 Ana Conceição (Universidade do Algarve)
From Hermite to Zernike. Orthogonal Polynomials on the unit disk. Applications in Optics Day 03 Teresa E. Pérez - Instituto de Matemáticas (IMAG) and Departamento de Matemática Aplicada Universidad de Granada (Espanha)
Pak-Stanley labeling of hyperplane arrangements Day 03 Rui Duarte, CIDMA, Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro
From Newton's cooling law to turbulent filtration of non-Newtonian fluids through a porous medium Day 10 Eurica Henriques (Dep. of Mathematics - University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Centre of Mathematics CMAT - University of Minho: Pole CMAT-UTAD)
Introduction to complex analytic sets Day 14 Alexey Glutsyuk - CNRS (UMPA, ENS de Lyon, France) and HSE University (Moscow, Russia)
On rationally integrable planar projective billiards Day 14 Alexey Glutsyuk - CNRS (UMPA, ENS de Lyon, France) and HSE University (Moscow, Russia)
Some classical operators on vanishing Morrey spaces Day 16 Aysegul Ç. Alabalik (Dicle University, Turkey)
Multivariate and multiscale complexity under long-range correlation: application in cardiovascular variability Day 17 Ana Paula Rocha (Dep. Matemática -- Fac. de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, CMUP -- Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto)
Ciência de Dados de Saúde: Geração de valor na decisão clínica Day 03 Pedro Pereira Rodrigues (CINTESIS & Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto)
Existence Results for Fractional Differential Equations in Presence of Upper and Lower Solutions Day 06 Rim Bourguiba (University of Monastir, Tunisia)
Fractional optimal control: theory and applications Day 06 Faïçal Ndaïrou (CIDMA, University of Aveiro)
Questions on Quantum Gravity Day 07 Renate Loll (Radboud University)
Global exponential stability criterion for a general system of difference equations with unbounded delays and applications to discrete-time neural network models Day 07 José Joaquim Oliveira (CMAT - Centro de Matemática & Universidade do Minho)
Cálculo Fracionário e Equações Fracionárias de Difusão Day 12 Tiago Araújo (Universidade de Aveiro)
Tidal effects in compact object binaries and why they matter Day 06 Gonçalo Castro (CENTRA, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon)
Hypergeometric activation functions in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) Day 06 Nelson Vieira (CIDMA, Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
On Minimal Input-State-Output Representation of Convolutional Codes Day 06 Joan-Josep Climent (University of Alicante, Spain)
Exploring the function factorization concept through symbolic computation Day 07 Ana Conceição (Universidade do Algarve)
Numerical Black Hole Perturbation Theory Day 13 Lidia Gomes da Silva (Queen Mary University of London, London)
Solving Fredholm Second Order Integro-Differential Equation with Logarithmic Kernel Day 15 Nedjem Eddine Ramdani (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Department of Computer Science, University of Batna 2, Algeria)
On constructing Lyapunov functions for biochemical interaction networks (BIN) via graph methods, for mathematical epidemiology (ME) and chemical reaction network (CRN) models Day 11 Florin Avram (University of Pau, France)
História da Matemática: pontes entre o Ensino e Investigação Day 11 Marc Moyon & Teresa Costa Clain
Symmetric and anti-symmetric operators on Hilbert space Day 12 Lina Oliveira (Instituto Superior Técnico - Universidade de Lisboa)
A problem-based approach to learning statistics in higher education: Exemplification and next steps Day 18 Pedro Sá Couto (Departamento de Matemática and CIDMA, Universidade de Aveiro)
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